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#6 Learning How to Manage - Helen Joy

 September 1st, 2020

“Give your people, the opportunity to do what they're best at, do it to the best of their abilities and the responsibility to get on and direct. And the trust to make that happen. They will bring you so much back.” Helen Joy.

Helen tells us about how in her first management role she was awful as she was afraid of being seen to be weak so she changed into this person she thought she should and for six years she was deeply unhappy in that role because it clashed with her values.  When she was given the freedom, autonomy and responsibility she knew that was her chance to do it right and be the person that she was inside. One of her bug bears is promoting people for their technical ability with absolutely no concern, focus or support given around the people side because it is setting people up for failure.  She reveals the #1 topic she gets asked about when delivering training to aspiring new managers.  And we talk about how the workplace is changing and how understanding yourself can make you a great leader. 

Helen Joy’s passion is Leadership and Management Development, particularly aspiring and new managers. She led and developed teams within operational and support environments to achieve results through coaching and formal training.

Resources Mentioned

  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
  • The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme for Confidence, Success and Happiness by Prof Steve Peters
  • The Book of Leadership: How to Get Yourself, Your Team and Your Organisation Further Than You Ever Thought Possible by Anthony Gell

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