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#45 Wellbeing Toolbox - Nicholas Jemetta

 June 1st, 2021

"...understanding your strengths and also understanding other people's strengths is the key to effective communication, effective relationships and avoiding some of the conflict that can happen, especially in the workplace..." Nicholas Jemetta.

Nicholas Jemetta is merging his two worlds of digital technology geekery and mental health and wellbeing. In 2018 he shared his mental health story and it awakened something in him. He took that energy into the workplace and started to lobby for change by being proactive and taking responsibility. During lockdown he started #fancydress4mentalhealth and on June 11th (2021) he will wear his 100th fancy dress costume to work. Nick says we are all overflowing pots of awesomeness and just because we might struggle with our mental health at some points in our life it shouldn't put us a box, apply labels to us, limit our happiness or our potential. Nick also speaks about his wellbeing toolbox, growing and nurturing a network, loving his squiggly life and being able to see the lighter side of life. He also shares his strategy of (1) tuning in to yourself and your feelings, (2) having a wonder wall and worry wall, and (3) asking for help and support. 

Nicholas Jemetta, an Award Winning Mental Health Campaigner, uncovered a deeper purpose as a motivational speaker and mental health campaigner.  He is on a journey to fuse his product management craft with a passion for mental health, whilst meeting as many inspiring people as he can on the way. He has accepted anxiety as one of his superpowers. If you think you can help, reach out! Alternatively, get in touch if he can help you create memorable software products, or memorable and mentally healthy cultures where people love to work.

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