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#30 Leading Change - Lisa Lloyd

 February 16th, 2021

"When people are able to pause and are given permission to pause by their leaders and they know the necessity of pausing, in terms of their brain being so much more productive and you'll be so much more engaged and so much more successful after a pause. And then that's where the magic happens." Lisa LLoyd.

Lisa and I talk about putting the human factor back into workplaces and treating people like people. We talk about the return on investment (ROI) of investing in staff and how a one-size approach does not fit all. We discuss how time is one of the biggest barriers to organisations implementing changes in the best way and Lisa points out they might well be going full steam ahead on the wrong path. We also cover the people side of change, the power of pausing, psychological safety, inner critics and how to become even more effective as a manager. And we chat about thinking in terms of blips instead of failure and the importance of self-compassion. 

Lisa LLoyd is a Chartered Psychologist & Psychotherapist. Alongside her private psychotherapy practice she founded It’s Time for Change based on the belief that if we all started to do things a little bit differently, we’d achieve huge results. She is an advocate for putting the human factor back into business and her mantra is: when we get people right, we get business right. She works collaboratively with organisations, using psychological principles and evidence-based practices to improve leadership, employee engagement and resilience and to create workplace cultures where employees excel, where teams are dynamic and where people are happy.

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