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#3 Proud to be an Accountant - Michelle Heer

 September 1st, 2020

“It's always been people and numbers if I'm honest because it's very isolating to just sit and do numbers.” “Otherwise what's the point? No, one's gonna look at them if they're not for people to review and understand and take action on them.” Michelle Heer.

Michelle tells us why she is proud to be an Accountant and about the view through the window to a business.  She describes her transition from FD to MD and how making impactful decisions is quite liberating. She provides 3 pieces of advice to an FD supporting an MD in a crisis situation and shares insights on isolation, collaboration and the perspective of others. We also discuss the power of mentoring to bring up the next generation of accountants.  

Michelle Heer is a Certified Accountant and founder of Klarity Finance - offering tailored accountancy support to help SME's grow. Prior to that she worked as General Manager and Finance Director for a Swiss engineering company.  She was made redundant at the end of March 2020, after almost 10 years, due to a company restructure, nothing to do with covid! 

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