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#122 What Matters Most? with Susan Ni Chriodain

 March 11th, 2023

"...and each time I would attempt to do something, I would stop and stare out the window and wonder what matters. I began to ask variations of this question: What matters here? What actually matters? Does this really matter? What matters most?" Susan Ni Chriodain

In this solo episode I share on a life-changing family event. And explore what it means to have your world change in an instant, discovering what matters most and having the courage to go after that. 

This episode is dedicated to M & M. 

I'd like to thank all my listeners for their understanding during this time of flux. 

And if there is anything here that resonated with you and you'd like to have a chat please get in touch. 

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Resources Mentioned

Episode 121 , Courage with Robbie Swale

Episode 120 , Reconnecting with Sam Allen

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