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#110 Four-Week Streaks - Susan Ni Chriodain

 November 26th, 2022

"So instead I thought, well, what about four weeks? What if I do it in four weeks? And actually that works out perfectly because there. 13 sets of four ... 13 fours is 52." Susan

I turned 49 a couple of weeks ago and so began my 50th year on this planet. This led to some reflections on the last 49 years as well as thinking about the future and setting an intention for the next year. I wanted a system that might work for me so rather than thinking for the whole year I broke my year into streaks - and came up with a plan for 13 four-week streaks. Will this work? As the Irish would say 'go mbeirmid beo ag an t-am seo aris' or 'may we be alive at this time again' and if we are we'll find out! 

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Resources Mentioned

Seth Godin Akimbo

Alison Jones: Practical Inspiration Publishing and The Thousand Days Lesson,  Episode 276 , of Extraordinary Business Book Club Podcast

Inc Magazine Article - 13 Hard to Learn Skills

Atomic Habits by James Clear

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